Amaama to Inazuma Wikia
Kotori Iida
Japanese 飯田 小鳥
Birth Date September 1
Age 17
Gender Female
Eye Color Dark Green
Hair Color Black
Personal Status
Affiliation High School Student
Family Megumi Iida (Mother)

Muneo Iida (Father)

Status Alive
Debut Chapter 1 (Manga)

Episode 1 (Anime)

Kotori Iida (飯田 小鳥 Iida Kotori) is a supporting character in the Amaama to Inazuma manga, a student in high school who often hangs out with Kōhei Inuzuka (the math teacher) and teaches recipes to him after school.

Kouhei and Kotori usually cook together alongside Tsumugi Inuzuka (Kouhei's only daughter).


Kotori is described as a slim and beautiful teenage girl who stands at average height with waist-length jet black hair that has bangs hanging over her face on both sides (at school, she tie her hair in two tide; She unties her hair when she is at school, whilst she ties her hair back in a ponytail when she is in the restaurant cooking with Kōhei Inuzuka and Tsumugi Inuzuka), and dark green eyes.

She also seen to wear bandage on her left ring finger, probably due to cutting herself with a knife at a young age.

At school, she wears the standard girl's uniform that consists of a white button-up shirt, a red ribbon, a burgundy skirt, knee-length socks and brown loafers.


Kotori has a tenderhearted disposition who can be quite prone to her emotions that she is often seen alone in school and seems to always have something to eat during breaks. She is shy and soft-spoken and likes to help others even if she is timid. Later in the manga, she develops feelings for Kōhei Inuzuka, but she knows he can't accept them due to the simple the fact that he is a teacher, and that she is a student.

As the series, she gains more confidence and starts making more friends in class who are aware of her passion for cooking and food.


Kotori's parents are divorced and she is currently staying with Megumi Iida (Kotori's mother), and it is worth noting that she does not see her father very often. She had a traumatic experience using a knife as a child, badly injuring herself and requiring stitches. Because of this she has a phobia of handling knives and in the beginning left all the knife work to Mr. Inuzuka. However, as the series progresses, she slowly gets over her fear of knives with the help of Mr. Inuzuka and Tsumugi.

Kotori first met Tsumugi Inuzuka and Kōhei Inuzuka during a flower viewing where she ate her bento alone after being stood up by her mom, Megumi. This results in her inviting them to her mother’s restaurant for dinner. when they get there, they find out that her mother had gotten a job on TV but Kotori convinces them to stay, saying she will help Mr. Inuzuka learn how to cook and prepare homemade dishes for his daughter.


  • Megumi Iida - Megumi is Kotori's mother who is often absent in the restaurant and at their house because of the hectic schedule of her work. Due to this, it has put a slight strain on their relationship. Kotori felt annoyed whenever her mother fails to keep a promise- especially when she tells her that she will be at the restaurant to meet Kōhei and Tsumugi. Regardless of the misunderstandings, they still manage to resolve their relationship. She might have some suspicion of her daughter's feelings for Kohei though it hasn't been confirmed.
  • Muneo Iida - Muneo is Kotori’s father whom she loves very much. The divorce was very hard on her and she often felt lonely as a child due to her mother's busy schedule running the restaurant. When Tsumugi says he is scary, she insists that he isn’t and that he has cute eyes.
  • Kōhei Inuzuka - Kotori is aware of Kōhei's determination on teaching himself how to cook so that he could provide Tsumugi a proper meal without relying on standard bentos. Kotori offered to help and though Kōhei did not accept it at first, the problem was then resolved. She wants to cherish the moments she spends with both Kōhei and Tsumugi as it makes her very happy. Later on, with another friend, while not naming him directly she essentially says she now wants to be with both him and Tsumugi.
  • Tsumugi Inuzuka - Tsumugi adores Kotori and is very ecstatic whenever they are going to be cooking at the restaurant. She immediately approved of cooking with Kotori when Kotori first brought it up. Tsumugi trusts and relies on Kotori and it is furthermore proven when Kotori was the first person, she thought of going to when Kōhei got sick.
  • Shinobu Kojika - Kotori and Sinobu attended the same elementary school but they never met formally. They became best friends by middle school and although Shinobu is in a different class, she still makes time and stops by Kotori's room during lunch to visit her. She is happy to see Kotori smiling a lot whenever she is with Kōhei and Tsumugi.
  • Yagi Yuusuke - Kotori first mistakenly thought that Yagi had kidnapped Tsumugi when she saw them roaming around. She thought that Yagi was bribing Tsumugi by giving her a lot of food and even mistook a cigarette-like chocolate stick as a real cigarette that Yagi was offering Tsumugi. She then realized that Yagi is a good friend to Kōhei and is kind despite his appearance. Yagi helps them cook sometimes.


  • Her name Kotori means "small" (小) (ko) and "bird" (鳥) (tori).
  • Kotori's surname Iida means "cooked grains, meal" and "rice paddy".


Official Art


